Thursday, June 26, 2014

Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation is the term used to refer to the restoration of lost capabilities or the treatment used to heal a body from ailments. Alcohol addicts are usually admitted to an alcohol rehabilitation center. Alcohol addiction begins with a casual curiosity or peer pressure. It affects the brain and creates a desire to consume more alcohol resulting into addiction. Typically, a person starts consuming alcohol to obtain relief from his problems. Alcohol addiction affects a person's life in all spheres.

A rehabilitation center begins treatment by studying all the psychological factors of the patient, including their social background and the degree of addiction of a patient, to decide a course of treatment. A patient is counseled, and sometimes given medication. There is a whole range of treatments to choose from. The time required for recovery varies from one person to another. Money can be a major constraint for treatment. Apart from a few charitable centers, most treatment programs are expensive.

While choosing a rehabilitation center, it is of prime importance that the patient is kept away from the people or surroundings where this addiction began. In the initial stage of addiction, an outpatient treatment program may be sufficient. Patients with an acute history of alcohol addiction may require an inpatient treatment program wherein a patient is supervised and his progress is monitored 24 hours a day. This treatment may be in a hospital or a residential surrounding which offers supervision like a hospital.

Almost all major cities have well-equipped rehabilitation centers. Rehab centers not only work towards treating a patient, but also towards ensuring that the patients do not revert back to the addiction. They restore the addict's lost faith and confidence. These patients come out as confident individuals ready to face life with renewed vigor.

To discover more about rehabilitation center visit

Fighting Against Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a growing menace in the society. Anyone can be a victim of it, disregarding age, gender and ethnicity. Substance abuse can be broadly defined as the situation in which the use of a substance causes a detrimental effect on the physical and mental condition of an individual. Further, substance abuse can also have devastating effect on the financial, social and even legal standing in the society of a person.

The 'substance' in substance abuse can be almost anything. It can be either legal or illegal. Even the non-prescribed use of prescriptive medicines has and can be termed as substance abuse. In cases of substance abuse, injections, inhaling and oral usage of the substance is common. However, sniffing and smoking of the said substance is also seen in some cases.

Maybe the most common way of substance abuse is the non-prescribed use of prescribed medicines. Simply put, an overdose of sleeping pills prescribed by a doctor is substance abuse. Alternately, taking any substance into the body in any other way than as prescribed by the doctor is substance abuse.
Other than prescribed medicines, alcohol, drugs and other intoxicating substances have been abused commonly. Drug dependency, drug addiction, and drug addiction are examples and also results of substance abuse.

Some of the most common substances people are dependent on are alcohol and nicotine. Alcoholics Anonymous is perhaps the most famous alcohol de-addiction support group. Alcoholics Anonymous is an informal de-addiction center for smokers who wish to quit smoking. The groups are locally found and their numbers may vary depending on the area and the regions. Alcoholics Anonymous has a program that it popularly calls as the 'twelve step' program, which has been known to be very effective and actually instrumental in helping alcoholics combat their alcoholism.

The reasons behind substance abuse are many. Some people may take to substance abuse simply because of peer pressure, while others may take to substance abuse to combat stress. There have been some cases where individuals have taken a liking to a taste of a certain medicine, and continued using them even they were no longer needed to be used.

The results of the consequent substance abuse are too serious to be neglected. Substance abuse seriously hampers the social life of a person. Substance abuse also comes between the family and work obligations of a person. Depending on the depth and type of substance abuse, it can also hamper the financial standing of an individual.

Substance abuse rehabilitation is therefore important for a person who is dependent on any controlled substance. It can eliminate the addiction of the person and lead him or her to a more enriched life.
To discover more about substance abuse visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Famous Athletes Who Have Battled Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

Some of these athletes went to a California drug treatment center. Check us out at

Pax House - Facts About Teens And Drug Use

A number of teens have been into drug and substance addiction. Here are some facts about the  increase in recent years. Check out Pax House today -